The law of contracts is an important module which has relevance to virtually all aspects of day to day life. From signing a lease for your new student house to buying a coffee in the Hallward café, in each case a contract is involved and understanding how it is formed and the relevant legal principals is essential. Contracts also provide the foundations for major transactions in the commercial world (think Walgreens buying Alliance Boots or the project financing of a new nuclear facility) and so for those aspiring to work in the commercial field, doing well in contract law is a must.
The module begins with Contract Law A in the first semester which sets out what is needed for a contract to be formed and takes students through key concepts such as consideration and privity of contract. Although these terms seem alien at first, it will soon be second nature for you to be asking whether there was consideration for the promise or whether the postal rule applies. Contract Law B in the second semester considers certain vitiating factors of contracts such as whether a contract has been made under duress and then moves on the content of contracts, how they are performed and remedies available if a contract is breached. Although known for being a tough subject, contract law raises some interesting thought-provoking legal questions and will give students a real understanding of the common law.
A three hour exam at the end of the year will test all the material covered since September so taking good notes throughout the year and learning case names as you go along is extremely valuable. The exam will be a mix of problem questions and essays so you have some flexibility to pick questions that meet your strengths. Nonetheless, as a module with a lot of material, it is best to stay on top of the subject matter from the outset to give yourself the best possible opportunity in the exam.